Protecting our whakapapa
Vaccination Clinics.
We are working with the Māori health providers across Te Tauihu to support the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out for whānau who choose to vaccinated.
To find trusted information about the vaccine visit the Karawhiua website.
You can book online at BookMyVaccine or over the phone. Call 0800 28 29 26. The Covid-19 Healthline team is available from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week.
You can also call the Te Piki Oranga team on 0800 ORANGA (672 642) to make a booking.
Our Tamariki.
Parents and caregivers can get their tamariki aged 5 and over immunised against COVID-19 from January 17, 2022.
The Pfizer vaccine used for tamariki has the same ingredients as the one used for adults, but it is a smaller dose. Tamariki will need two doses to be fully protected. The doses should be at least eight weeks apart. The time between doses could be reduced to 21 days if needed, for example if your child is starting immune suppression treatment.
Parents or caregivers will need to go with their tamariki when they get immunised to provide their consent.
Planning for isolation.
We know that COVID-19 is in the community, one of the best things we can do is be prepared and learn to live alongside it.
In most cases, people with COVID-19 will be able to self-isolate at home. (see COVID-19 Pātai for more info on this). You can use this Rautaki ā Whānau from Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu to help you prepare. Keep it handy and make sure all whānau members know what the plan is should one of you get COVID-19 or come into close contact with a confirmed case.
If you are feeling alone or are unsure about what to do, that is OK – please don’t be whakamā. There is support available.
We are here to help.
Waikawa Marae in collaboration with Ngāti Toa Rangatira ki Wairau are working alongside the other Māori Health Providers across Te Tauihu to support you.
We will be running pop-up vaccinations clinics, testing and isolation support.
If you are in isolation and need support, please do so below. Alternatively you can contact us via phone or online via our facebook page.