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Ko arapaoa te moutere tapu
ko piripiri te maunga
ko waitohi te awa
Ko Te Ātiawa te iwi

Nau mai rā ki te paetukutuku nei. Koutou e te whānau, ngā manuhiri, te iti me te rahi.
Ka toro atu te ringa manaaki o Waikawa ki te katoa - Tomo mai, hoki mai, haere mai rā.

Welcome to our whānau, visitors, all esteemed persons. Waikawa extends our warmth and hospitality to you all - Enter, return, welcome.


Our COVID Response

E te whānau with COVID-19 still threatening our overall health and wellbeing, and now spreading within our communities we wanted to highlight this space to share information for our whānau.

Our lives have changed, we have made temporary adjustments to tikanga and we are doing our best to protect ourselves, our whānau and our community.

If you have any pātai or you need to get in touch - we can help!

To find out more, click here.


tō tātou marae, ko Waikawa.

Waikawa Marae sits at the entrance to the stunningly beautiful Tōtaranui (Queen Charlotte Sounds). These are the waters our tūpuna travelled as they journeyed from Taranaki in the 1800s to make this place home.

The Marae is central to the functions of iwi and many community groups across Te Tau Ihu (Top-of-the-South) and is the perfect venue for hui, meetings, wānanga, conferences and celebrations.


tangata waikawa.

Waikawa Marae is the Turangawaewae of descendants of Te Ātiawa ki Te Waka-a-Māui. It is also home to many who come from other rohe throughout Aotearoa, who have lived amongst the tangata whenua.

Waikawa Marae welcomes all people ahakoa ko wai, ahakoa nō hea, our place is for me, for you, for everyone - Mōu, mōku, mō ngā iwi katoa.

Kaia and Aariria - Te Ātiawa


Our own database for everyone.
We want to increase whānau involvement at the marae, and help contribute to the intergenerational transmission of knowledge.

Help us to grow the collective capacity of whānau to participate and positively impact on our overall marae development, and to better serve whānau in Waikawa, Waitohi and beyond.



Mōu, Mōku, Mō ngā iwi katoa

For me, for you, for everyone



Hui and Functions

We are the perfect place that can do it all; catering, venue and accomodation for all types of hui, conferences, wānanga and functions.


Noho Marae (Marae Stay)

An experience to remember! Be welcomed as manuhiri (guests) and leave as part of our Waikawa whānau.


Whānau Ora

Whānau Ora is a whānau led, whānau centred, strength-based service, that provides support to whānau on their journey.

Marae happenings

Our marae is slowly becoming a major hub for services and events for our rohe. Click below to find out what’s happening at Waikawa.


 Ngā mihi ki a mātou kaitautoko