Te Whakaruruhau

Hui Whakaruruhau: Jan 5 – 8, 2021

Purpose of Te Whakaruruhau:

We are focused on supporting our Waikawa whanau to grow our knowledge of reo and tikanga as kaitiaki of our home (Waikawa) and our whanau. We want our people to feel comfortable, welcome and inspired to learn, support and care for all of our whanau who are connected to our home, our tikanga (our cultural practices) and our reo (our language).

This is why we have called this kaupapa, Te Whakaruruhau, where our people will learn tikanga and reo at whatever level they are at, and they will be welcomed, sheltered, supported and inspired.

Our Te Whakaruruhau Values are:

·         Aroha ki te Tangata: As Te Whakaruruhau, we look after and support each other (everyone in our kaupapa).

·         Kia Harikoa: We want this to be a joyful, happy kaupapa for our people.

·         Whanaungatanga: We are whanau and we work together for the betterment of our kainga and our people.

·         Te Reo me nga Tikanga: We are all on our Reo and Tikanga learning journey for our kainga and our mokopuna.

·         Kia Puawai to tatou Kainga – Waikawa: We contribute to our people/marae/kainga so that the positives in our culture support and guide our people for generations to come.